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Some of the best people to ask for home advice are inspectors. They play a major role in the home buying process. They see many, many, many homes on a regular basis and know the common issues that buyers are concerned with. Since they see homes in a wide range of conditions they have good tips on how to get your home in shape and ready to sell.  

Here are a few things that inspectors advise to get your home in shape before putting it on the market.  Resale Tips From a Home Inspector

Keep it Dry 

The largest culprit of home problems is water issues. You want to make sure everything in the home is watertight. This means making sure gutters and downspouts are clean and in top working order, making sure the roof is fully and properly sealed, check caulking around doors and windows, make sure landscaping is sloped away from the house, and if you have a sump pump make sure it is in working order.  

It is also good to do regular inspections under sinks to check for leaks and ensure that exposed electrical wires or covered and junction boxes have a watertight seal.  

Regular Service is Important 

The better shape the systems in your home are the better when it comes time to sell. If you have proof that your systems have been well maintained that is even better. Boilers should be inspected, cleaned, and serviced by a heating contractor; natural gas systems should be inspected every two years and fired systems should be inspected annually. You want to make sure there is a ticket attached to the boiler with a record of each service performed, the date and time it was performed, and who performed the service along with their contact info.  

Have a Pre-Inspection Before Listing  

The best way to avoid surprise issues arising when you are in contract with a buyer is to have your home inspected by a professional inspector before you even list it. They can go through your home with a fine-tooth comb and tell you what you can expect for the buyer’s inspector to find and give you suggestions on how you may want to move forward on making repairs, disclosing needed repairs in the listing, or being prepared to make negotiations with a potential buyer.  

Many sellers don’t want to spend the money to have an inspection done before listing, they would rather just let the potential buyer pay the coast. Hiring an inspector before you list your home will give you the upper hand and can even save you tons of money during negotiations. 

Cleanliness is SO Important 

The cleaner the home the better the impression it gives off that the home is in great shape. You have probably heard this one many times before, but it is so important that it should be said every time. There are some things that you want to make sure get a really good clean and continue to stay that way, because they look like huge red alarms to buyers like; tile- dirty moldy tile makes a buyer think there are moisture problems, pressure wash outside- a dirty exterior leads to thoughts of a poorly kept home and curb appeal can make or break a deal right away, storage areas and basements- often times we just throw our stuff in these places and don’t pay much attention to sweeping out the cobwebs so take some time to make the stuff in these places look organized and clean out the accumulated dirt.  

Looking for a Professional Home Inspector? Look no Further.