(217) 352-3743

Home Window with Fog and CondensationHave you noticed that one or more of the windows in your home always seems to be a little hazy? If you have single-pane windows with just one pane of glass in them, the fog is likely being caused by the weather. When it’s warm inside and cold outside, your windows will often fog up with condensation. But if you have double-pane or even triple-pane windows and you’re still experiencing fog, it could be a sign of a bigger problem with your windows.

Below are the two most common causes of fogged windows in homes that are important to look out for.

Your window pane could have a tiny crack in it.

Most of the windows that are installed in homes today have two or three panes of glass in them. They also may have an insulating gas tucked in between the window panes to prevent air from passing through the glass easily. This keeps homes more comfortable and makes windows more energy-efficient overall. However, problems can arise if the outer window panes happen to sustain even the smallest of cracks in it. It can allow air to get into the space in between the window panes, which can cause fog or condensation to appear inside your windows.

The seals in your windows have failed.

To prevent the insulating gas inside of double and triple-pane windows from escaping, there are typically one or two seals in place. These seals are designed to withstand everything from moisture to old age and will usually last for the life of your windows. But every now and then, a seal will fail and allow outside air to sneak in the space where your insulating gas should be. When that happens, it can cause your windows to fog and make your windows less energy efficient if they have gas inside the panes of glass.

The good news is that most modern windows can be replaced with little effort to correct the problem. During a home inspection, Pristine Inspections & Testing can check out windows for issues and fogging. Call us at 217-352-3743 today to schedule a residential inspection.