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A new home is exciting, but there are nervous moments, one being the home inspection. The investment is big and has to last for years to reap the profits. For this reason, knowing the important top red flags to expect in a home inspection will save your structure. These signs may seem small, but you cannot predict the future and may later harm the home. A professional home inspector helps homeowners pinpoint obvious issues that become costly sooner or in the long run.

Foundation and Drainage

The homeowner will neglect to check the structure’s foundation leaving an essential aspect in keeping the investment. The foundation is like the envelope surrounding the home and protects the home interior. A home with a loosely fixed foundation or cumulative drainage system will eventually cost a crack in the structure. They will also check the safety of the building.

Drainage is encouraged to be higher than the street level to ease water flow.


A primary problem with homes is mold, especially for a fixer-upper house. Homeowners may neglect the little mold, which will cause significant damage to the building. Mold is a significant red flag for a home inspection, primarily when the situation extends beyond management. But can easily resolve damages caused by small mold due to neglect to clean the environment. Ventilation or moisture can cause molding repeatedly unless the root of the problem is fixed. The repairs may include windows, attic, bathroom, or roof linked to the ventilation area to stop the leak. These red flags are things to notice before they become problematic.

Electrical System Problems

Modern or old homes do not work on old wires. Therefore, a home in this era with mid-20th century wires is not a sound home. A home inspector will observe this problem because modern electronics and housing are more demanding, especially when HVAC, home entertainment, and electrical systems are involved.

Old Plumbing

Faulty pipes are nothing but old pipes. These pipes are behind the wall and under the floors; fixing them takes time and is expensive. Sometimes the pipes may block, which is a minor issue, but the thing may extend another time. Inspectors will watch for clogs, spreading, and future symptoms. A problem within a pipe, drain, or sink is considered an isolated issue and easier to fix. However, these symptoms may be the crack of a bigger problem. These red flags are not to be ignored when inspecting a home.


Pests are not new friends to any homeowner. Everybody fights to eliminate these nuisances, especially those in rural areas. One home may experience a few bugs while another has an infestation. A red flag is a homeowner reaching home to notice the new neighbors have moved in without consent. Pests go through everything in a home, and people go DIY with cleaning and traps. An infestation is these rodents nesting in the home resulting in structural damage. An exterminator can only handle this situation.

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